Jun 2, 2021
In this podcast, Barry Coombs and Ben Evans discuss their top five tips to ensure your data protection strategy is robust and secure.
Throughout the session they refer to the importance of testing, considering your data protection practices, planning for recovery and much more.
Apr 27, 2021
Our host, Barry Coombs is joined by data protection experts, Michael Cade, Sam Woodcock and Ben Evans. In this episode, the panel discuss the key considerations businesses should be making in 2021 to ensure their business and data is secure and reliable.
The panel also answer live questions from...
Jan 21, 2021
Host Barry Coombs will be joined by leading experts in workspace, Spencer Pitts, Tom Hickling, Peter von Oven and Simon Townsend as they discuss the latest trends in workspace technologies, where the industry is heading and what this means for your organisation in 2021 and beyond.